
I’ve set myself a tasks and added to my to do list to try and write a new blog piece every week eeeeek!
Trying to get my creative cap on and come up with new content and ideas that people might be interested in is proving rather difficult. However I know this is something I need to do and I’m going to try my hardest to deliver and hold myself accountable for the task I have set myself.
Having googled the top 10 best content ideas for blogs I wasn’t inspired to put pen to paper and start writing. Then I started to think what would I like to read and what would interest me? I was in two minds to write about fashion/business or just general chit chat about life. Let me be honest I love fashion, I own a ladies fashion boutique but I wouldn’t say I’m a total fashion guru in fact half of the time I look like I’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards, I’m always drawn to the colour black and I don’t plan my outfits I just find whatever is clean and hanging in my wardrobe.
What I’m trying to say is although I love fashion, I wouldn’t be passionate about writing about what the celebs are wearing or researching the runway fashions, its great to get inspiration from said areas but in reality we can’t all afford the Dior trench coat spotted on Kate Moss. My passion is finding and sourcing clothes that I love, my customers love and what doesn’t cost the earth, my passion is also watching something grow and flourish and learning how to make that happen.
So answer to my question is let me write about my business, my passion and what I’m learning along the way, and trust me I could write a lot of blog posts about that…
So let me start with the business side and my downfall which I still struggle with and thats the ability to say NO I really struggle to say NO if people ask me to do something even if I don’t particularly want to do it I find the words “yes course I can” “Yes I’ll help you with that” Yes put me down for that” rolling out of my mouth and on the inside I’m thinking why the heck did I say yes…
This is something I’ve learnt that in business you have to say NO especially when it involves money, when I first opened House of 925, many businesses contacted me trying to sell me advertising space, companies were ringing me trying to offer social media services, card reader companies were trying to sign me up to there card payment service, the list went on and some of these guys gave amazing sales pitches which I fell for hook line and sinker and I spent a lot of money on things such as advertising space which gave me very little or no return on my purchase.
Obviously as a new business you need to try things its all trial and error maybe things such as advertising space would work wonders for your business, but I’ve learnt its so important not to get swept up in a sales pitch, do the research and if it doesn’t work for you then say NO.
Looking back on the past year I’ve spent money on areas of advertising that I wish I hadn’t however it’s definitely a lesson learnt and now I have a vague idea what works for me I often wish I’d of put all that money into a more returnable advertising process.
Going forward I’m going to learn to say NO which I’m getting slightly better with and I’m also going to keep researching what advertising works well for my business, if I want House of 925 to grow then its all about getting House of 925 in front of the right people and thats exactly what I’m going to try and do…I’ll do a blog on my advertising journey and let you know how I’m getting on.